Mark Hamill gets Walk of Fame star with Harrison Ford, George Lucas in attendance

Mark Hamill has gone from the stars in a galaxy far, far away to a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

On Thursday, the Star Wars actor was honored in front of Los Angeles’ El Capitan Theatre as Stars Wars alums old and new were in attendance, including Harrison Ford, Billie Lourd, Kelly Marie Tran, R2-D2, and George Lucas.

“Mark Hamill is a character that can’t be written,” the Star Wars creator said. “He is extremely enthusiastic about everything that he does, and that’s exactly what I was looking for when I was looking for Luke Skywalker.”

Ford, who received a star in 2003, joked about the turnout for Hamill’s big day. “There were a lot more people that showed up for my star,” he cracked. “A lot more.”

With three of the original four core Star Wars principals present, Ford also remembered Carrie Fisher, who died in December 2016. “When thinking about today, I was really sorry that we don’t have the other member of our trio here to celebrate with us,” he said. “But I feel her presence.”

When Hamill’s turn came to speak, his comments were short and sweet, as he gave a humorous nod to his small role in Episode VII of the mega-franchise.

“These will be brief remarks because words truly fail me,” Hamill said. “It’s hard to convey my gratitude, my joy, the exhilaration of being recognized this way. I haven’t been this speechless since The Force Awakens.”