Mark Hamill Empowers Young Female Fan Too Afraid to Wear Her Star Wars Shirt to School

Mark Hamill just made one little girl a Star Wars fan for life.

The actor, who received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, alleviated the concerns of a worried mother after she tweeted about her young daughter being too scared to wear a Star Wars shirt at school because she thought her classmates would make fun of her for liking films geared toward boys.

“My 7-year-old daughter’s crying in bed right now because she wants to wear her Star Wars t-shirt to school but is scared her classmates will laugh because she likes ‘boy stuff’. I’m so sad/angry for her. Please RT and comment so I can show her how awesome girl #StarWars fans are,” N.J. Simmonds tweeted on Tuesday.

Hamill, who frequently uses Twitter, responded to her with kind words of advice for her daughter.

“Just tell her to feel free to use this gesture if her classmates give her any grief. “Boy stuff”? PLEASE! The Force is, & always will be strong with females here on Earth & in galaxies far, far away. – mh,” he tweeted on Wednesday, adding a gif of himself from Star Wars: The Last Jedi brushing off his tunic while facing off Kylo Ren.

The actor, 66, was celebrated on Thursday in Los Angeles while receiving his star and was joined by Star Wars costar Harrison Ford and franchise creator George Lucas.

Before his star was placed, Hamill spoke with Variety about the honor, saying, “I’d like to say it’s a dream come true, but I didn’t even dare to dream it. And you can get self-conscious about it, like, ‘Am I worthy of this?'”

Hamill is known best for playing Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. He most recently resurrected the character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

In February, Hamill confirmed the big news of his star on Twitter — while seemingly taking a shot at Donald Trump.

Mark Hamill receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Mark Hamill receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

“Can’t say this is a dream come true because I was never foolish enough to think something like this could ever happen,” he wrote.

The actor didn’t name Trump in the tweet but referred to someone who was awarded a star for “one crappy reality show.”

“When part of me doubts I deserve such an honor, I remind myself that someone got a ‘Star’ for just one crappy reality show,” he added.

Following the death of Hamill’s Star Wars costar Carrie Fisher, fans decorated a blank star, between those for Larry Semon and Paul Williams, with flowers, candles and the message: “Carrie Fisher May the Force Be With You Always Hope.”

Ford was awarded a star in 2003.