Manhattan's First Public Beach Is Opening This Summer — but There's One Very Big Catch

Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023
Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023

James Corner Field Operations, courtesy of the Hudson River Park Trust

A brand new beach is set to open this year in New York City — but it's not your typical oceanfront destination.

Expected to open to the public in summer 2023, the beach will be located at Gansevoort Peninsula in Manhattan's Hudson River Park and offer a sandy shoreline, picnic tables, sports field and kayaking, according to The Daily Beast.

The only catch: you can't actually go in the water as swimming will be forbidden.

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Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023
Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023

James Corner Field Operations, courtesy of the Hudson River Park Trust

Noreen Doyle, CEO of the Hudson River Trust, told the outlet: "We've been clear from the get-go that this is not a swimming beach. The Hudson River has made a huge amount of progress in terms of its health since the Clean Water Act was passed in the 1970s, but this is not designed as a swimming beach."

Doyle also revealed some additional qualities that might just make the beach New York City's next hotspot.

Along with the sports field and kayaking, the park will also include, "tree-lined promenades, swathes of native grass for lounging and even a salt marsh, a feature that's unique to the Manhattan side of the Hudson, for 'habitat enhancement.'"

Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023
Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023

James Corner Field Operations, courtesy of the Hudson River Park Trust

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The new park was designed by James Corner Field Operations (JCFO), which is the same company that helped construct Manhattan's famous High Line elevated park a few blocks away.

Though visitors can't swim in the Hudson River, landscape architect and urban designer at JFCO, Karen Tamir, sheds light on why they are still referring to it as a beach.

Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023
Manhattan’s First Public Beach Is Coming in 2023

James Corner Field Operations, courtesy of the Hudson River Park Trust

"The reason it's called the beach goes back to 25 years ago when the park was being planned in concept, even though all the money wasn't in place for it yet," she says.

Cricket Day, a JFCO designer who is also working on the project, added that the space will be a nice escape for tourists and New York City locals: "People want a place to lay down and to take their shirt off, and that's what they're gonna have here."

New York City does have numerous beaches where you can go for a dip, including famous sites like Coney Island and Rockaway Beach along the Atlantic Ocean.