I'm 100% Convinced This Is The Funniest "Wheel Of Fortune" Fail Of All Time

My all-time favorite Wheel Of Fortune fail for the past 14 years has been "self-potato."

But after over a decade, I think I have a new favorite.

Vanna White stands next to a "Wheel of Fortune" puzzle board with the partially revealed phrase: "SELF-POT IT." The category is "THING."
NBC Studios

Last night, a man royally messed up this puzzle:

NBC Studios/Twitter: @TayVictoria8

"Right in the butt."

  NBC Studios
NBC Studios

Personally, I'm with this lady, "WHAT?!!?!"

A woman stands by the Wheel of Fortune board with a partially solved phrase: "_ _ I T T E B I T!" Vanna White is next to the board. The phrase under the board reads, "WHAT?"
NBC Studios

He immediately knew what he did:

A contestant stands at a game show podium, wearing a light blue shirt with a patterned tie. He holds a buzzer in his hand, ready to answer
NBC Studios

And I'm obsessed.

Contestant holding a buzzer on a game show stage with large prop money in the background. A smiling emoji overlay partially covers the image
NBC Studios

The correct answer is "This Is The Best" FWIW.

Contestants on Wheel of Fortune, with Vanna White standing next to the board, solving the phrase "THIS IS THE BEST."
NBC Studios

Ultimately, it's my dream to give an iconically bad answer on Wheel Of Fortune.

Comment by Molly Keyser: "This is how legends are made ?" with musical note emojis. 11 hours ago. Reply option available
@wheeloffortune/ tiktok.com

In my heart, he won this one.

Comment by user Copernicus: "Give him the money he won." 14 hours ago
@wheeloffortune/ tiktok.com

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