‘Making a Murderer’ Filmmakers: Jurors Were ‘Fearful’ for Their Own Safety

Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, the filmmakers behind the binge-tastic Netflix hit Making a Murderer, stopped by Today Tuesday with breaking news. In the midst of the buzz surrounding the documentary series, one of the jurors from Steven Avery’s trial reached out to them with some more insight as to how they reached their verdict.

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“They told us really that they were afraid that if they held out for a mistrial that it would be easy to identify which juror had done that, and that they were fearful for their own safety,” Demos said.

They went on to describe a “compromise” reached between the jurors where jurors ultimately traded votes in the jury room.

Ricciardi and Demos said the response they have received from the public is more than they ever could have dreamed of. And it’s that conversation happening in places like social media that could ultimately change the outcome for Steven Avery.

“Perhaps somebody who has information might feel safer coming forward. I think it’s going to depend on new evidence being brought to light,” Demos said.

The story has sparked petitions calling for Avery to be exonerated, with more than 300,000 signatures collected.

Making a Murderer is now streaming on Netflix.

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