Mahershala Ali to star as Blade in new Marvel movie

The Oscar-winning actor will take the mantle from Wesley Snipes.Mahershala Ali to star as Blade in new Marvel movie Alex Young

Of all the surprise announcements made during Marvel’s Comic-Con presentation (and there were a lot), Kevin Feige saved the biggest one for last. To close the evening, the Marvel head announced a new Blade film starring Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali.

The vampire hunter was famously portrayed by Wesley Snipes in three film, beginning with 1998’s Blade. The franchise is largely credited for making comic book movies credible and setting the stage for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Now, more than two decades later, Ali will get to put his own spin on the role. The Moonlight and Green Book actor was on hand for Marvel’s announcement, taking the Comic-Con stage with a Blade hat.

The studio didn’t provide any additional details, but given all the other announcements to be made over the course of the evening, fans can deal.


Mahershala Ali to star as Blade in new Marvel movie
Alex Young