Luann de Lesseps Entered Incorrect Hotel Room with a Man Before Arrest, Police Say

Luann de Lesseps‘ arrest on Saturday night came after she was discovered trespassing in a hotel room with an unidentified male who was once her ex, according to a police report.

The Real Housewives of New York City star, 52, entered Room 407 at the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach while a maid was busy completing a turn-down service that night, according to the report. .

Police say the couple was found in bed together by security guard Carlos Lopez, who asked them to leave because de Lesseps was registered to stay in Room 327.

According to the report filed by Officer Mastrangelo, who responded to the guard’s call, “De Lesseps refused to leave, and locked herself in the bathroom. De Lesseps was told several times to come out of the bathroom, and leave the room however she still refused. When Lopez attempted to open the bathroom with a key, De Lesseps opened the door. Officer O’Leary then attempted to detain De Lesseps and remove her from the bathroom, at which time De Lesseps shoved Officer O’Leary with an open palm to the chest, then slammed the door on Officer O’Leary’s face, striking him in the forehead.”

Page Six first reported the news.

A source told PEOPLE “Luann was out with a girlfriend at the Colony Hotel where she had her wedding brunch just a year ago — it was the first time she had been back to Palm Beach since the wedding.”

“Memories from that day came flooding back, she was emotional and her behavior was out of character,” the source added.

Julie Olson, who was with de Lesseps at the hotel, told Page Six the man was “a guy she had previously dated. It’s not a big deal.”

She said she was speaking to a female friend when de Lesseps and the man left the hotel’s bar. About 15 minutes later, Olson said the man came up to her and asked Olson to help the Bravo star, who “wouldn’t understand she was in the wrong room.”

“I think I got there a little too late when the damage was done,” Olson said.

De Lesseps was charged with disorderly intoxication, battery on an officer/firefighter/EMT, resisting arrest with violence and threatening a public servant, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

According to the police report, de Lesseps told the officer “I’m going to kill you all” after she “slipped out of her hand cuffs and attempted to exit” his patrol car, unsuccessfully.

“Once De Lesseps was transported back to the Palm Beach Police Department and placed in a holding cell, she stated again that she was ‘going to f—ing kill all of you’ to Officer O’Leary and I multiple times,” Mastrangelo concludes.

In a statement to PEOPLE, the reality star said, “This was my first time in Palm Beach since my wedding, and being here brought up long-buried emotions. I want to offer my sincere apologies to anyone I might have offended with my behavior. I am committed to a transformative and hopeful 2018.”

The mother of two was released on her own recognizance Sunday, according to the Palm Beach Post, and Judge Ted Booras said she would be allowed to return to her home state of New York. However, he warned her not to ignore the charges against her. “I don’t think it would be that hard to find you,” he said.

She is due back in court on Jan. 25, 2018.

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