Love Is Blind Season 6: Jimmy Thinks Chelsea Would Have Rejected Trevor’s Proposal

Love Is Blind Season 6 - Jimmy
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

Love Is Blind star Jimmy Presnell has faced a lot of backlash since Season 6 hit Netflix on February 14. Watchers saw him connect with two contestants, Jessica Vestal, who he ended up leaving after discovering her 10 year-old daughter, and Chelsea Blackwell, who left another man, Trevor Sova, after saying yes to Jimmy’s proposal.

Since laying eyes on each other for the first time (and discovering she’s not Megan Fox’s identical twin), Jimmy and Chels have had their fair share of ups and downs. While in the Dominican Republic, things began to heat up between the couple, but temperatures reached an all-time high once they moved in together in North Carolina.

Despite their feuds so far (we still have a few more episodes before the season wraps up), Jimmy still doesn’t believe Chelsea would’ve said “yes” to Trevor had things been different.

Jimmy is confident Chelsea would’ve chosen him over Trevor

Chelsea and Jimmy in Love Is Blind Season 6
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

“No chance she would’ve said yes to him,” Jimmy told Us Weekly during a recent interview. “She was not his No. 1. I know she was his No. 1, and he really, really wanted it. He can have his opinion on it. But the conversations I was having with her, she was totally locked in with me. … I love Trevor to death, but [if] he went in there first, it wouldn’t have changed anything.”

So far, the pair’s relationship has been tumultuous, and watchers wonder if they would’ve seen a different side to Jimmy and Chelsea had they ended up with other people. After all, the latest batch of episodes, which began streaming on February 21, showed the pair fighting after Jimmy told Chelsea she was too “clingy.”

However, according to Jimmy, there were more positive moments between them. They seemingly didn’t make the final cut.

“I just feel like they didn’t do enough justice to how we were as a relationship,” he said. “We were fighting. We loved each other. Maybe we haven’t [seen] enough of that yet, in my opinion.”

Jimmy added that the brunt of their arguments shouldn’t rest solely on his shoulders, though. “It’s hard when someone doesn’t believe how much you love them,” he said. “And so it was just a constant battle of me reiterating, and that’s something I don’t remember doing as much when we were in a relationship because when we went to bed each night, we were happy for the most part. And a lot of that isn’t shown, unfortunately.”

Love Is Blind Season 6 continues streaming on Netflix on February 28.


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