Louisiana Senator Insists State Abortion Law Was Written To Ensure ‘No Confusion’

Louisiana State Senator Katrina Jackson is the primary author of that state’s strict abortion legislation. The bill, which was signed into law in June 2022 — just after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade — provides a near-total ban on abortion. The law does provide for medical futility exceptions when pregnancy threatens the life of the pregnant person or when a fetus has conditions that are incompatible with life. All other instances carry criminal or punitive penalties for physicians who carry out the procedure. “I’m not sure how much clearer it could be,” says Senator Jackson. “The bill was written because we wanted to ensure there was no confusion.” On Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil, “Carry to Bury: The Abortion Debate,“ hear from Nancy, who says she was denied an abortion after learning the 10-week-old fetus she was carrying had acrania - a rare but fatal condition in which the fetus does not form a skull. What does she say doctors to told her when they initially refused to perform the procedure? Check your local listing to find out where to watch. Follow the links below for more information on this controversial topic. National Organization for Women Live Action WATCH: Woman Describes Trauma Of Being Denied Abortion For Fetus With Fatal Condition TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Are you involved in a story making headlines?