Lori Loughlin's College Admission Scandal Has Only Gotten More Complicated

Photo credit: Boston Globe - Getty Images
Photo credit: Boston Globe - Getty Images

From Esquire

On Tuesday, actress Lori Loughlin and her husband, designer Mossimo Giannulli, found themselves in hotter water than they were in when the couple was among 50 people charged in a large-scale college admissions scandal. After this week's initial hearing, Loughlin and her husband decided to plead not guilty to charges including conspiracy to commit mail fraud and bribery. Following Monday's hearing, the couple and 14 others were charged with an additional charge of conspiracy to money launder, which could carry a much more severe sentence.

In the ongoing saga of rich people who allegedly bribed their children's way into college, Loughlin's public-facing case may be one of the most complex of the group. While other high-profile names like Felicity Huffman have been involved in the scandal, it's Loughlin's case that continues to rise to the top of headlines.

What has happened since the initial announcement?

While Huffman allegedly paid $15,000 for falsified college admission test results for her daughter, Loughlin and her husband allegedly paid $500,000 for their two daughters to be admitted to the University of Southern California as crew recruits. Following the initial indictment, both Loughlin and Huffman were arrested and released on bond.

After their release, Loughlin was briefly permitted to travel to and from Canada, where a number of Hallmark films and programs are produced. Soon after news of the scandal though, Hallmark Channel's parent company, Crown Media Family Networks, cut ties with Loughlin. According to the New York Times, Loughlin's daughters (and other students tied to the scandal) have been placed on "academic hold" for the time being.

This week, preliminary hearings were set up for those involved. Loughlin and her husband did not plead guilty to lesser charges and were then strapped with additional charges a day later after the U.S. Attorney went to a Federal Grand Jury, according to TMZ.

What happened with Felicity Huffman?

On Monday, Huffman entered a guilty plea to a charge of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud. According to ABC News, that means that she could face a maximum of 20 years in prison, three years probation and a $250,000 fine. Granted, with Huffman copping a plea, that punishment is likely to be significantly reduced.

Following the plea, Huffman released the following statement, admitting guilt and insisting that her daughter did not know of the scheme.

What could result from the heightened charges?

Loughlin and her husband's case could become a lot more complicated now that new charges have been filed. According to TMZ, a plea deal for the initial charges carried a potential sentence between two and two and a half years. With the updated charges, a plea deal sentence is more likely to be in the five year range. While Huffman's alleged bribe was in the five-figures, Loughlin's was half a million. That's quite a difference and thus, carries a more severe punishment.

No hearing has been set for Loughlin and her husband, but it is more possible than ever that the two could face legitimate jail time for their involvement in the scandal.

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