Looking for Fresh Talent? Here Are 5 Strategies for Finding Great Employees

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Recruiting great employees is crucial for any company, but as the digital age makes a saturated market of job applicants seem overwhelming, it’s hard to know where to look to find the ideal candidate.

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To really connect with qualified prospective employees and make them want to join your team, it’s important to stand out from other employers. We’ve provided five of the most important recruitment strategies to help make a great first impression for your company — in the music industry and beyond — and hire long-term employees, with the help of ZipRecruiter.

Perfect Your Job Description

Think of a job description as creating a “first impression” of what a career at your company would be like. To make that perfect first impression, keep the job description clear, organized, detailed, accurate and representative of your company culture. Most importantly, stay transparent about salary and any employment requirements so you won’t catch any future employees off-guard.

With a sleek, concise, accurate job description, you will get employees who know exactly what they’re signing up for — which will likely lead to a better match.

Make the Interview Process Count

Interviews are a large part of the candidate’s first experience with your company — so make it welcoming, friendly and productive. Be sure to involve current employees who have first-hand experience on the team and would work with the prospective employee if they were hired.

Use Job Boards

Looking to find applicants online? Job posting services like ZipRecruiter provide easy-to-use dashboards to help companies sort, review and rate your candidates. The company matches businesses of all sizes with the best people for their open roles by targeting the most qualified candidates to apply when a job goes live. The best part? ZipRecruiter can reach millions of job seekers through their website, email and app, so you’ll have more ways to reach the perfect fit for your job opening.

Ask Your Current Employees to Spread the Word

Whether it’s past employees or current, no one knows a company more than the people who actually work there. For current employees, a referral program with bonuses for hired employees is a great way to provide incentive. Reaching out to those who left your company on good terms would also be beneficial, as those former employees have insight into the qualities needed to fill certain positions.

Create a Healthy Work Environment

Keep the office clean and comfortable, and keep good communication throughout a team to create the most productive, positive work environment possible — leading to happier, healthier employees. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism found that nearly 70% of employees would participate in workplace wellness programs if provided by their companies. Therefore, adding a wellness program to promote physical and mental well-being promotes work-life balance.

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