'Long Story Short' sneak peek: 'Groundhog Day'

Rafe Spall stars in the time traveling comedy, 'Long Story Short'

Video Transcript

- You know, I've got a kid.

- Yeah, I know.

- Well can you [MUTED] believe that? A kid.

- Yeah, I've had time to process it.

- Exactly right. That's my point.

- What is?

- Alright, I'm just going to say it, OK? Every few minutes another year goes by.

- Wow. That's deep, man. Is that you, or is that-- where'd you read that? Can I use that?

- No, no. I am being serious, OK? I'm being deadly serious, so what feels like a year for you it's like-- it's like a couple of minutes for me.

- All right. I'm waiting for you to say gotcha.

- I'm not going to say gotcha, mate, because this is real, OK?

- Look. Do you remember when I called you to set an alarm to come here today?

- Yeah.

- Yeah. That was right before you got here.

- No, it wasn't.

- Yes, it was.

- No, it wasn't.

- It was for me. It was. Kind of hard to explain it, man. Right, yesterday I was three years younger than I am now.

- That's so specific.

- OK, OK. I'm just going to make this as simple as I can. My life is going by way too fast.

- Now that I understand.

- OK, good. Can you help me? Please help me.

- Yeah, of course. What do you want me to do?

- I understand this whole thing sounds nuts.

- Yeah.

- I do, but what I've just described, have you ever heard, seen, read about this happening to anyone else?

- OK, so you say it's the same day.

- Each year, but yes, same day.

- "Groundhog Day"?

- Yeah, it's not technically the same day, but yes, I mean, that's close enough. How did that happen to him in "Groundhog Day"?

- Oh. It never says.

- And, OK, so how did he make it stop in the end?

- I think he just has the perfect day. Like, he just fixes everything and then he just stops.

- You know what? That would make sense. That would make sense.

- Yeah. You know "Groundhog Day" is not a documentary, right?

- So I've got a few minutes this year to fix everything from last year so that I don't mess up next year. That's it. That's it. That's obviously it.

- Yeah, you've cracked the case.