Lisa Rinna Didn't Take Shots at Kim Richards on the RHOBH Premiere — But Harry Hamlin May Have

Kim Richards may not be appearing on this season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but she was tied to one of the season 8 premiere’s biggest moments Tuesday night.

The 53-year-old former child star’s name came up when sister Kyle Richards recounted an alleged run-in she had with Harry Hamlin during a recent hike.

As fans know, Hamlin is married to Beverly Hills Housewife Lisa Rinna — who has had a rocky past with Kim over the past few seasons of RHOBH. Last year, the two faced off multiple times after Rinna called Kim’s sobriety into question, suggesting she was “mostly sober” and on the verge of relapsing.

The situation was allegedly so bad, Rinna said that Kyle feared Kim will die from substance abuse. “That’s what Kyle’s afraid of,” she said. “She’s afraid to turn her back on her sister because of that. She’s afraid she’s going to die. I know it, you know it. To me, this is what’s going to happen next. They’re this close to Kim dying.”

Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards
Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards

Kim, whose battle with addictions and recovery played out on the hit Bravo show, got her revenge at the season 7 reunion when she made the pointed move to return a gift bunny Rinna had given her for her grandson earlier in the season. Though they had appeared to make amends before that, Kim’s move ignited an all-out war again in which Rinna claimed, “Kim, you just want to be on a show and I’m your meal ticket.”

It was a bold claim considering Kim has been on the show every season since its premiere in 2010, first as a Housewife (for five seasons) and then as a guest of the Housewives (over the past two seasons). “I didn’t even want to be here today,” Kim told her. “I’ve been yours for the last few years. You talk talk talk about me, and I’m not even on the show.”

But Rinna promise then that she wouldn’t be talking about Kim ever again, and appeared to hold true to her promise on Tuesday’s season 8 premiere — never mentioning her former rival’s name.

Hamlin, on the other hand, didn’t get the memo and appeared to have inherited his wife’s loose lips when he saw Kyle.

“I bumped into Harry on a hike because we hike in the same area,” Kyle told Lisa Vanderpump and Camille Grammer, recalling their alleged encounter. “And I was like, ‘Hi!’ And he [nodded his head]. I was like, ‘Well that’s kind of weird.’ And he says to me, ‘What are we going to do about your sister? She obviously cannot be around this group ever, ever again.’ And he was clearly very upset about it.”

Vowed to keep her relationship with Rinna and Kim separate, Kyle called the whole situation “weird” and implied that she wasn’t looking to bring it up to Rinna anytime soon. “I can think of so many things I would rather do than talk to Lisa Rinna about Harry Hamlin,” she told audiences. “Pap smear, root canal, enema….”

Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin
Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin

Kyle wasn’t the only one hoping to keep things positive between she and Rinna. Dorit Kemsley was also hoping she wouldn’t have any more run-ins with Rinna, after the former Melrose Place star asked Kemsley last season if anyone at her house was using cocaine.

“Lisa Rinna deliberately came after me and she did it to defame my character and hurt me,” Kemsley, 41, confessed to audiences after agreeing to go on a trip to Las Vegas with the entire cast (including Rinna). “Kyle thinks we can all be together, celebrating our birthdays harmoniously. It would definitely be a better trip for me if Lisa Rinna wasn’t going because I do have unresolved feelings with her.”

Lisa Vanderpump and Dorit Kemsley
Lisa Vanderpump and Dorit Kemsley

Kemsley had at least one person in her corner: her good friend Vanderpump. “Rinna really, she went down and dirty,” the SUR owner said. “She was rolling in the mud. I mean, I hope Rinna’s learned her lesson. You can’t just go around slandering someone’s reputation.”

Viewers will have to wait until next week to see how their interaction went, but that wasn’t the only drama in the premiere. Tensions were also brewing on Tuesday between Kemsley and Erika Girardi after their Hong Kong battle last season.

“Erika and I didn’t leave off on the greatest foot,” Kemsley recalled. “She went after my husband, which doesn’t fly well with me. I’m a little bit worried because I don’t want to spend three days with somebody who treated me as cold as she treated me. So it’s going to depend on what attitude she brings.”

“I haven’t’ had any communication with her so I don’t really know [how it’ll be],” Kemsley continued. “I thought Erika and I were going to be fast friends because I just thought we had a lot of things in common. But she was never very warm to me.”

Once again, Vanderpump was on Kemsley’s side. “Whenever I text her there’s never anything that comes back to me,” Vanderpump said. “She’s not that warm to me. I’ve reached out so many times, trust me.”

Girardi, though, wasn’t looking for trouble and kept things positive when she was Kemsley. “When we last left it, I said I would be willing to go slow and try again. And I mean that,” Girardi told audiences. “Let’s have fun. I don’t want to fight with anybody. I don’t want to upset anyone. Fresh beginnings.”

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesdays (9 p.m. ET) on Bravo.