'Encanto' songwriter Lin Manuel Miranda faces tough questions from kid interviewers

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Encanto songwriter Lin Manuel Miranda sits down to talk with Lyla and Luna about songwriting, Encanto, Hamilton and more.

Video Transcript

- Hi, I'm Lyla.

- Hi, I'm Luna.

- And our dad works for Yahoo, where he interviews celebrities.

- And now it's our turn.

- Today, we're interviewing Lin Manuel Miranda.

- He's like the king of Disney.


- Hi, Lin. We love "Encanto".

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: Thank you so much. It's great to talk to you.

- You're welcome.

- You're welcome.

- What was your favorite part of working on "Encanto"?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: I loved getting to write Disney songs about how complicated it is to be a part of a family. And like you have an older sister, so I wrote songs about my sister. And I wrote songs about being the baby brother of the family. And it was really fun to sort of draw on my own family experience to write these tunes.

- The music was our favorite. So good.


- You're welcome.

- You're welcome.

- How do you write music?

- Explain it so kids can understand and our dad.

KEVIN POLOWY: Thank you, Lyla.

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: I have a very simple recipe. I try to imagine how I would feel as the character if I were in that situation. Then I talk to myself. And I sing to myself until it feels true and honest. And then I go to the piano and figure out what that sounds like.

- Did you write "Party In The USA"?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: Oh, I wish I wrote "Party In The USA".

- Did you write "Umbrella"?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: No, I didn't write it. But I wish I had. (SINGING) Ella, ella, eh, eh, uh, uh.

- Are you in "Star Wars"?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: I am in one of the "Star Wars" for a second. I play a rebel soldier. And I get to watch Chewbacca hug someone. And if you blink, you miss me in the movie. But I'm in it for like a nanosecond.

- What does "Encanto" mean?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: Well, the fun about "Encanto" is that it means a lot of different things. It means enchantment. It also means a delight. Sort of like this interview has been both enchanting and a delight.

- We knew that. We were just making sure you did.

- And our dad. He doesn't know anything.

KEVIN POLOWY: Thanks, Luna.

- How do you say Lyla and Luna are the coolest girls in the world in Spanish?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] That was the Spanglish version.

- Gracias.

- Gracias.

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: You're welcome.

KEVIN POLOWY: Don't trick Lin into complimenting you guys.

- You know what we call our daddy?

KEVIN POLOWY: Not again.

- Professor Poopy Brains.

KEVIN POLOWY: I'm not even a professor. It doesn't even make any sense.


- What's the deal with "Hamilton"?

- My name is Alexander Hamilton.

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: I've been asking myself that question for 11 years. I'll let you know when I find out.

- Dad said you made Hamilton and now you're rolling in the Benjamins, whatever that means.

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: No, I keep the Benjamins in a very neat little pile.

KEVIN POLOWY: That was just between us, guys.


- So you made "Encanto", "Moana", and "Mary Poppins". Do you like own Disney now?

- Can you tell Mickey Mouse what to do?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: I can't, really. Mickey Mouse is kind of my boss. He tells me what to do.

- Can you make us another "Frozen" movie?

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: "Frozen" is really more Kristen and Bobby Lopez's department than mine. But I wish I could.

- You are so much cooler than our dad.


LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: I think Professor Poppy Pants is doing great.

KEVIN POLOWY: Thank you, Lin. Thank you. Is there anything else you want to say to Lin?

- Don't forget to make Luna "Frozen 3".

- Please.

LIN MANUEL MIRANDA: Luna, I'll put in a good word with the Anderson-Lopezs.

- And thank you.