Let there be light…and cyanotype

CONFLUENCE ― A cyanotype workshop will be offered at the Confluence Creative Arts Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 11 by Maryland artist Leah Clare Michaels.

The workshop will be held in conjunction with an exhibit of Michael’s work in the gallery at the Tissue Farm in Confluence, where she will be an artist-in-residence from Aug. 7-13.

Cyanotype printing is one of the oldest forms of photographic printing processes. It uses UV light to create a cyan-blue image after the treated paper is exposed to the sun. Workshop participants can bring flowers, lace and other flat items that will be placed under glass for the process resulting in a unique cyanotype work of art. This is a partially-outdoor activity for all ages.

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Preregistration is required for the workshop. There is a charge for the class and interested participants can sign up by emailing info@confluencecreativearts.org.

The workshop leader, Leah Clair Michaels, has taught and presented in the United States, Europe and Asia. She is a Fulbright recipient, film producer, and multi-media artist who currently teaches at Towson University and Anne Arundel Community College. Her show Scorpio Moons: For Her can be viewed in Confluence until Aug. 13.

This article originally appeared on The Daily American: Let there be light…and cyanotype