Leslie Jones Live Tweets ‘Shape of Water,’ Asks ‘What the F–?’ About Interspecies Sex Scene

Leslie Jones Live Tweets ‘Shape of Water,’ Asks ‘What the F–?’ About Interspecies Sex Scene

“Saturday Night Live” star Leslie Jones live tweeted while watching Guillermo del Toro’s sci-fi love story “The Shape of Water” and had one thing to say about that odd girl-on-amphibian-man sex scene: “What am I watching?”

Most of Jones’ tweets were simple observations, like, “Ok I need to barf now!” after Michael Shannon’s character proudly announced that he doesn’t wash his hands after using the urinal.

But it’s the interaction between Sally Hawkins’ Elisa and Doug Jones’ amphibian man that left the comedian flummoxed.

Also Read: 'Shape of Water' Actor Doug Jones Says Sex Toy Based on His Character Is 'Not Exactly What I'd Hoped For'

For those who haven’t seen “The Shape of Water,” it’s about a lonely mute cleaning lady in a secret research facility who forms a unique relationship with an amphibian man held in captivity.

Take a look at just a few of Jones’ tweets. Oh, and be warned, Jones’ language gets a little racy.

Ok I need to barf now! You believe you more if a man cause you don’t wash your hands ew! #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/eTc39WKFEv

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 20, 2018

So let me get this straight.. #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/kAMieeOOeh

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

How you gonna explain a fish man to your landlord?! #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/PPOBAy76Og

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

Ok I need to know yo!! #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/WOIsqp1vVY

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

Also Read: 'The Shape of Water' Film Review: Guillermo del Toro's Glorious Romance Blends Horror and Delight

What is wrong with us?! #therewasdamnsexscenewiththefishman #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/zch2qcACKi

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

I’m enraged right now!! You good and damn well know…#thisinotarealisticreactionfromasista #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/aI69JkYYD1

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

Like what am I watching? #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/IsoDiHp0FP

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

Ok I’m done now! #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/1Et81Sh7F6

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

Ok soooooo.. thanks a lot people!! #shapeofwater pic.twitter.com/tTVX4zhW8X

— Leslie Jones ???? (@Lesdoggg) October 21, 2018

Read original story Leslie Jones Live Tweets ‘Shape of Water,’ Asks ‘What the F–?’ About Interspecies Sex Scene At TheWrap