Lena Dunham Mentions the Male Anatomy on ‘Today’ Show and Maria Shriver Turns 50 Shades of Red

Lena Dunham caught Maria Shriver off guard. (Photo: Today)
Lena Dunham caught Maria Shriver off guard. (Photo: Today)

Maria Shriver is a veteran newswoman who has interviewed famous folks from Ted Turner to Fidel Castro, but this morning on the Today show she was thrown for a loop by guest Lena Dunham. Why? Because Dunham said the word … “penis.”

Shriver, who’s a guest co-host on the morning show (she co-anchored the Sunday edition in the late ’80s), interviewed the provocative Girls actress, 30, about the upcoming sixth and final season of her HBO show. At the end of the chat session, Shriver, 61, thanked her for being there, saying she watched three episodes of the show and they were terrific. Without missing a beat, Dunham replied, “You saw a penis, right?”

Shriver was totally thrown and off her game. “Yeah, uh, I saw more than that,” she said, as her face turned bright red. “Yeah, you caught me there for a second. I’m not sure if you’re allowed to say that on television.” (The FCC doesn’t fine for using anatomically correct terms for genitalia.)

Shriver turned 50 shades of red:

Credit: Today
Credit: Today

Dunham, oozing confidence, quipped, “I won’t be coming back. Going out with a bang.”

Matt Lauer appeared off to the side, laughing and shaking his head at Shriver being so shaken. “What?!” he said. Maria started throwing her hands around, “Matt, help! She threw me off.”

Shriver couldn’t stop laughing:

Credit: Today
Credit: Today

When Dunham apologized, Shriver, a mom of four (with her ex, Arnold Schwarzenegger), said, “That’s OK. It’s the difference in generations. I wasn’t brought up talking like that.” (We can only imagine Shriver’s reaction to Kristen Stewart dropping the F-bomb on Saturday Night Live.)

The bit finally ended with Lena quipping, “I’m thrilled by what has just happened here.” We were too.

Needless to say, Dunham and her co-stars are comfortable talking about sex after so many seasons as stars of the show. On Thursday, they appeared on the Inside the Actors Studio stage and quickly launched into conversation about dirty sex scenes on the show. Watch it here:

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