Legends of Tomorrow photos feature Arrow's Stephen Amell

There’s a slew of new characters coming to DC’s Legends of Tomorrow in season 2 — but it’s a familiar face that stands out in the just-released photos from the premiere.

Arrow‘s Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) will make his way to Legends for the season opener, which finds the heroes scattered in time, with new addition Dr. Nate Heywood (Nick Zano) charged with locating them. (Yes, that is Albert Einstein in the photo above!)

Also revealed in the new photos: the return of Arrow villain Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), who will eventually be teaming up with Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman), and Flash villains Reverse Flash (Matt Letscher) and Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) to form the Legion of Doom.

Robert Falconer/The CW
Robert Falconer/The CW
Robert Falconer/The CW
Robert Falconer/The CW
Robert Falconer/The CW
Robert Falconer/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW
Diyah Pera/The CW

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returns Thursday, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.