Legacies Recap: Mummy's the Word (Plus, Let's Discuss Josie's Big Secret)

Thursday’s episode of Legacies thrust our heroes into a battle of biblical proportions. Or as Hope assessed the situation, “This is plaguey, right? It seems plaguey.”

Desperate to recover the urn he tossed into the river while slug-drunk, Alaric took a few of the Salvatore School’s best and brightest on a road trip to Maple Hollows this week. But don’t be fooled by the adorable name of the gang’s destination, for there was nothing cute about this trip. Between Alaric’s embarrassing dad music and Josie’s aggressive vomiting, the car ride was a Malivore-level nightmare from start to finish — and things only got worse from there.

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Awaiting them in Maple Hollows were swarms of killer beetles, a seven-foot mummy and even that smarmy bad guy (“Agent Clark,” is it?) from the Triad organization. After taking down the mummy (twice!) with some seriously bad-ass witchery, Alaric & Co. attempted to head home with the urn, until Clark offered them a deal they couldn’t refuse: the urn in exchange for Emma and Dorian’s lives. (If Alaric knew how much drama awaited the three of them, he might have just kept it.)

Elsewhere this week…

SHE DIDN’T START THE FIRE | When Lizzie wasn’t physically assaulting Hope in Alaric’s dad-mobile, she was throwing past mistakes back in her face. Specifically, she accused Hope of deliberately sabotaging their spring break (three years ago!) by setting a fire in her dorm that forced Alaric to return to school early and assess the damage. She also accused Hope of “callously” giving her the flu, which kept her from attending another big trip. (“With global warming, I may never see the Florida Keys. That’s on you!”)

Lizzie eventually told Hope that she’s always hated her because she heard that Hope called her “witch bipolar.” Hope swore she’d never say that about someone, adding that she understands Lizzie’s issues better than anyone, given everything she experienced (and lost) growing up as a Mikaelson. Lizzie accepted her truth, leading to a beautiful moment of bonding between them — one that took a sharp left turn when Josie revealed that not only did she make up that rumor, but she also started the fire!

Much to the delight of all you “Hosie” shippers, Josie admitted to having a crush on Hope (“Who wouldn’t?”) and starting the fire in order to burn a love letter she slipped under her door. When Lizzie had asked why Josie was so obsessed with Hope, she panicked and covered her tracks by blurting out, “How can I be obsessed with someone who says such mean things about my sister?” Honestly, this is not where I expected the Hope-Josie-Lizzie situation to go, but I’m sure glad it did. So many emotions! And I love the way Hope asked, “You had a crush on me?” That was real cute.

TEACHING THE TEACHER | I also really enjoyed watching Alaric treating Kaleb with more respect this week as they worked together to keep everyone safe. I also appreciated Kaleb using their newfound closeness to drop a few truth bombs about life at the Salvatore School: “We all need access to our full powers. We need real blood, the witches need offensive magic. … Times are different now. The rules should be, too.” [Insert Meryl Streep applause gif here.]

‘I QUIT!’ | Unfortunately, not every relationship on the show got better this week. In fact, I’d say that Emma telling Dorian about kissing Alaric — including that, while she was slug-drunk at the time, Alaric was only regular-drunk — made things significantly worse. Not only did Dorian punch Alaric in the damn face, but the school’s second in command also quit on his way out of the building. (This is not how I wanted this triangle to resolve itself.)

Your thoughts on this week’s many emotional developments? Drop ’em in a comment below.

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