Is This LeBron's Secret Song? The NBA Star Reportedly Recorded a Rap with Kevin Durant in 2011

Is This LeBron's Secret Song? The NBA Star Reportedly Recorded a Rap with Kevin Durant in 2011

LeBron James and Kevin Durant may be battling on the court during this year’s NBA Finals — but the basketball superstars were apparently rap buddies back in 2011.

Yes, King James and K-Dog allegedly recorded a secret song together.

It’s been something of a legend in the sports world for years — as no one can find the track and the duo simply laugh when asked about it.

But according to ESPN, the song is very much real.

Both players are music junkies, and in between workouts in 2011, they decided to kill time by writing their own lyrics, sources told the publication.

“League sources informed ESPN that the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors superstars collaborated on the track during the lockout in 2011 while Durant, then a member of the Oklahoma City Thunder, was visiting James, who had joined the Miami Heat, for workouts in Akron, Ohio,” writes ESPN.

One person who has allegedly heard the song says Durant raps the first verse and James comes in for the second. Durant then returns to finish it off.

The song’s title, as well as its whereabouts, are unknown.

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One Twitter user claims to have the song — although he’s requesting 1 million retweets to release it in its entirety.

“Here’s the Lebron James-Kevin Durant secret track! 1 million retweets to release the whole song!” writes Spider Studios on Twitter.

Here’s to hoping this is legit — and that Spider Studios gets enough social media love to share this, presumably, amazing song collaboration.