Sylvester Stallone Sexual Assault Accusation Under Review by LA District Attorney

Sylvester Stallone Sexual Assault Accusation Under Review by LA District Attorney

Los Angeles County prosecutors are reviewing a sexual assault accusation made last year against Sylvester Stallone to determine if the actor should face charges, the Los Angeles Times reports.

It was first reported to Santa Monica police in November 2017, and the accuser said it happened during the 1990s, the paper said.

A special entertainment task force within the District Attorney’s office is reviewing the case, the Times said. Representatives for the District Attorney’s office and Santa Monica police did not immediately reply to a request for comment from TheWrap.

Representatives for Stallone also did not immediately reply to a request for comment. But speaking to the Times, Stallone’s attorney Martin Singer said that the “Creed” and “Rocky” star previously had a consensual relationship with the accuser, and that he denies any misconduct. Singer told the paper that the accusations are “a false claim” and “a complete fabrication,” and said that the accuser “filed a police report to get a story published.”

Also Read: Sylvester Stallone's Publicist Blasts 'Ridiculous, Categorically False' Sexual Assault Report

Singer also told the Times that the accuser made her report to Santa Monica police after first attempting to give the story to an entertainment news site. The Times reports also that one of Stallone’s attorneys filed a complaint with the Santa Monica investigators at the time, stating that the accuser had essentially filed a false police report.

The case is not connected to an accusation made in November 2017 that Stallone and his bodyguard, Michael De Luca, “intimated” an unnamed teenager into a sexual encounter at a Las Vegas hotel in July 1986. Stallone strongly denied that accusation, telling RadarOnline in December that the event “never ever happened.”

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