L.C.'s Hair Takes 7 Hours to Style

Forget setting aside an hour or two for a trip to the hair salon -- if you're Lauren Conrad, you need pretty much the whole day.

The Hills star, known for her trendy and perfectly put-together beauty looks, recently revealed to StyleCaster that it takes a whopping seven hours to style her hair.

Related: L.C. Answers -- How Real Was 'The Hills'?

When asked what some of her favorite local Los Angeles hangouts are, she named her hairstylist Kristin Ess' new studio.

"I love my salon. My hairstylist Kristin Ess opened up her own little studio. It's fun. She's fantastic, is a close friend, and is thankfully very flexible with my schedule. I'll be working all week, and I'll come in at like 7 at night," she says. "My hair takes seven hours, so sometimes we'll order take out and drink champagne."

And what could possibly take seven hours?

Pics: L.C. and Heidi Montag -- Reality Show Frenemies!

"Well, I usually wear extensions!," she admits.

Hey, at least she's honest, right?

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