Kodak Black Throws Rocks at Photographer, Threatens Reporter After Being Release from Jail

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Florida rapper Kodak Black (real name Bill Kapri) continued his troubling pattern of behavior on Wednesday (February 21st) when he got combative with a local news team that was covering his release from jail.

Kapri was being released from Broward County jail in Florida when he threw rocks at Local 10 photojournalist Bryan Murphy and allegedly threatened to punch reporter Rosh Lowe.

According to the ABC affiliate, one of the rocks hit Murphy in the ribs. The artist then proceeded to shout, “Call the cops!” Watch Local 10’s footage of the run-in below.

Though Murphy filed an incident report with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, he later decided not to press charges.

The rapper had been in jail since December 2023, when a drug possession charge led to a probation violation. Earlier this month, those charges were dismissed with credit for time served when Kapri’s attorney proved he had a prescription for Oxycodone, which had been found in his possession.

On Wednesday, US District Judge Jose E. Martinez ruled in a Miami federal court that Kapri be released after he pleaded guilty to failure to report police contact.

In January 2021, former President Donald Trump commuted Kapri’s 46-month sentence for forging paperwork to obtain a firearm. Just months later, he took a plea deal in a 2016 sexual assault case involving a high school student.

Kodak Black Throws Rocks at Photographer, Threatens Reporter After Being Release from Jail
Eddie Fu

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