Koch, Gordon Re-Elected Presidents of PGA

Hawk Koch and Mark Gordon have been re-elected presidents of the Producers Guild of America. Also re-elected to the national board were Gary Lucchesi, VP Motion Pictures and Hayma ‘Screech’ Washington, VP Television. Other officers include the appointment of recording secretary Gale Annie Hurd and newly elected treasurer Lori McCreary. The PGA announced the results as it prepared for this weekend’s sold-out Produced By Conference on the Sony lot in Culver City. Longtime PGA board member and former VP Koch has credits on more than five dozen movies include Heaven Can Wait, Wayne’s World, Primal Fear and most recently Source Code. He’s also First VP of the Board of Governors for the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts & Sciences and serves on the board of the Motion Picture and Television Fund. Gordon is a former PGA board VP Television. He serves as exec producer on ABC series Family Tools, Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, CBS’ Criminal Minds and Lifetime’s Army Wives. Gordon’s recent movies include Source Code and The Details.

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