Kirstie Alley and the U.S. Curling Team

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

From Esquire

Kirstie Alley is a lot of things: actress, Scientologist, Dancing with the Stars silver medalist. But at the end of that strange, growing list of monikers, she can add Olympic curling skeptic.

Late Monday, Alley hit Twitter with a hot take since deleted, saying, “I don’t mean to be mean but..... Curling is boring.” Wrong move, Kirstie. In a sport literally dedicated to knocking your opponent out of their place, the curling team showed up with a slam, tweeting:

[twitter align='center' id='965803300485464064' username='TeamShuster'][/twitter]

Classic. That is what you would call a "burned stone" in the curling community. There’s something about that added “Kirstie” that really brings it home. In response, Alley came back on Tuesday morning with a tweet about people being too sensitive because life is rich with irony.

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If Twitter is good for anything though, it's for never letting a feud die. In the most enjoyable Twitter war in recent memory, the U.S. Team, led by skip John Shuster, found support in icons from Mr. T to Aaron Rodgers.

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The ever-growing curling fanbase continued on its journey to bring Alley to the light, insisting she give the sport a chance. She finally conceded because life is short and it's not like the Olympics are a lifelong commitment you can't get out of.

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Having already burned the Look Who's Talking canon to ashes, the U.S. Team made good with Alley, sending her and her son some curling gear. Alley took them up on the offer, deleted her prior tweets, and has since returned to her regular routine of vaguely defending Trump.

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