Kim Kardashian Slammed by Fans as ‘So F—king Tone Deaf’ for Showing Off $2k Full-Body Scan

Kim Kardashian is being slammed as "tone deaf" by fans after she promoted a $2,500 full-body scan that can help detect cancer and other health issues.

“I recently did this @prenuvo scan and had to tell you all about this life-saving machine,” Kim, 42, captioned an Instagram post on Tuesday, August 8. “The Prenuvo full-body scan has the ability to detect cancer and diseases, such as aneurysms in its earliest stages before symptoms arise. It was like getting a MRI for an hour with no radiation. It has really saved some of my friends’ lives, and I just wanted to share.” 

In her photo, Kim posed on the bed of the machine while wearing  black hospital scrubs. She also kept her long hair tied up in a high ponytail. The large scanner was visible in the background of the picture with two digital monitors and two pairs of headsets available for the patient. Per Prenuvo’s official website, the hour-long body scan costs $2,499 and includes “a complete head [and] torso scan, with an additional spine evaluation.” The scan also examines a person for musculoskeletal conditions, disc herniation and spinal degeneration.

The medical diagnostic company describes the service as its “most comprehensive scan that assesses your anatomy, including major organs and spine.” However, the website notes that the service does not include a “detailed heart screening.” 

Kim Kardashian wearing black hospital scrubs standing in front of a body scan machine
Kim Kardashian wearing black hospital scrubs standing in front of a body scan machine

In response to Kim’s Instagram caption, countless social media users blasted her for promoting a service that most people can’t afford. Others also called the Kardashians star aloof to those living in poverty. 

“Kim, this is for wealthy people. People can’t afford food right now,” one person commented under Kim’s post. “I’m a fan of the Kardashians but Kim, shut the f—k up,” a second user wrote, adding, “Most people can’t afford to go to urgent care. This is so f–king tone-deaf.” 

Another Instagram follower didn’t hold back and emphasized that Kim’s post is “SO tone deaf,” commenting, “The majority of people in America could not afford to use this machine. The fact that she’s promoting medical devices that cost thousands is so ridiculous.”

This isn’t the first time that Kim has faced backlash from the public. One of her most memorable controversial moments was in March 2022. While providing her advice “for women in business” during an interview at the time, Kim advised them to, “Get your f—king ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

The Skims founder, however, clarified her statement during a Good Morning America interview later that month, in which she stressed that the clip had become a “sound bite” and that her answer had been taken out of context. 

“You have to really work hard to get [famous], even if it might seem like it’s easy and that you can build a really successful business off of social media,” Kim explained. “It wasn’t a blanket statement toward women or to feel like I don’t respect the work or think that they don’t work hard. I know that they do. It was taken out of context, but I’m really sorry if it was received that way.”