Killer zombie dogs leap from video games to TV in terrifying clip from Netflix's 'Resident Evil'

The long-awaited Resident Evil series has finally arrived to infect Netflix fans, and it’s taking a beastly bite out of the show’s survival-horror video game inspiration. The series’ final clip brings a ferocious old-school gaming canine into New Raccoon City… though this dog definitely hasn’t lost any of its bark in the process.

Deep in the bowels of the Umbrella Corporation’s barely-lit corridors, Jade Wesker (Ella Balinska) and sister Billie (Adeline Rudolph) desperately search for an exit when they hear the last thing anyone who’s played Capcom’s creepy game series needs: the feral growl of an infected zombie dog. What do you do when a virus-riddled canine has its sights set on you? The same thing you do in the games, of course: Run!

Check it out below:

Do those gnarly teeth look familiar? If you’re a veteran of the Resident Evil games, they should. Zombie dogs (not to be confused with the rarer, weaponized Cerberus canine featured elsewhere in the game franchise) debuted beginning with 1998’s Resident Evil 2, and went on to become a staple in Capcom’s survival-horror series, appearing in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and a host of subsequent spinoffs. Netflix’s new trailer is the first we’ve seen of the four-legged fellas as an addition to the new live-action series, and we’ve gotta say: They’ve made a terrifyingly convincing leap from game consoles to TV streaming.

Not exactly lightening the mood in the clip is a jarringly kid-friendly holographic bear, singing to the rooftops while the infected canine edges closer and closer. Whatever the creepy context is for that, Jade and Billie have bigger problems to solve. Along with the present day story, the saga also features a future timeline set in 2036, 14 years after Umbrella unleashed a monster apocalypse and wreaked havoc on the once-livable New Raccoon City where Albert Wesker (Lance Reddick), Jade’s father, thought he could find some family-friendly peace.

As Netflix has previously teased, there’re plenty more monsters where zombie dog came from, which means the mission for team teen Wesker is all about staying alive. Thanks to the damage wrought in the past by the mysterious drug Joy, the younger generation has inherited a forsaken world; one that now belongs to a twisted menagerie of “blood-thirsty infected and mind-shattering creatures,” as Netflix teases.

Hey, at least they’ve got each other. Follow the panic-stricken survival adventures of Jade and Billie starting today, as the Resident Evil series makes its debut at Netflix.

Looking for more scares? Check out SYFY's Chucky, the new Firestarter film, and more on Peacock. if you want something a bit more ghostly, find SurrealEstate on the SYFY app - and a second season is already on the way

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