Can you kill the Chainsaw Guy in Resident Evil 4 Remake?

 Resident Evil 4 remake
Resident Evil 4 remake

Can you kill the Chainsaw guy in Resident Evil 4 Remake? The character - named Doctor Salvador - attacks Leon with a chainsaw in the game's introductory battle in the village, and is capable of doing lethal damage, making him the first great threat of the RE4 Remake. Fortunately the big bag-headed brute can be beaten if you're careful, and we'll explain how it's done below. Here's the best advice on how to kill the Chainsaw Guy, a big part of how to survive the village in Resident Evil 4.

Can you kill the Enemy with the Chainsaw in the Resident Evil 4 Remake?

Resident Evil 4 village remake
Resident Evil 4 village remake

Yes, you can kill the Chainsaw Guy in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. Doctor Salvador, who wears a sack over his head and appears in the Village Square, is a far tougher enemy, but not immortal, and simply has a much larger health bar than the average enemy - not to mention a chainsaw attack that can kill the player in one go if you're not careful. Here's our best advice on how to kill him. While there's no exploit or cheese that we know of, there are some very useful tips you can use.

  • Focus on headshots. They'll do more damage and potentially stun Salvador, allowing you to do a kick to knock him back for even MORE damage.

  • Keep your distance. Salvador has no ranged attack, so back away! He's all melee, and can't hurt you if you don't get close.

  • Get ready to block the chainsaw. If you haven't broken your knife, you can block his attacks with L1/LB, but it'll really chew through durability. Use this as a last resort.

  • The chainsaw itself can block bullets. When he holds it up defensively, target his unprotected legs to stagger him, or back away until he lowers it again.

  • Head into the house and get the shotgun. One of the best Resident Evil 4 weapons, the Northeast house has a shotgun upstairs, hanging on the wall.

  • And the grenade! Oh, and next to the shotgun is a glass cabinet with a grenade inside. That'll do big damage to Salvador and any nearby villagers.

  • Try burning the barn. The barn in the Southwest corner has a lantern hanging from the ceiling - shooting that will cause it to drop and set fire to the building. Doing that to Salvador while he's inside will roast him badly.

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Once killed, Salvador will drop an Emerald, which you can use later to sell to the Merchant for money. If the village assault isn't over by that point, it will be soon - just keep holding out and it won't be long before the villagers wander off.

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