Kids and Dogs Freak Out Over Shadows in 'AFV' Groundhog Day Montage

Groundhog Day (Feb. 2) is almost here, and that means two things: The Bill Murray movie of the same name will be playing on a loop all weekend, and it’s the perfect time to watch this AFV montage of kids and animals getting scared by their own shadow.

Related: Watch More ‘AFV’ Videos

If this video teaches us anything, it’s that people and animals have very different “fight or flight” approaches to confronting these dark apparitions known as “shadows.” Kids tend to cry and try to flee, while the dogs featured here are far more likely to go into pure attack mode. (Bonus points, though, to the little boy who attempts to knock out his own shadow with a baseball bat.)

Of course, it wouldn’t be Groundhog Day without Punxsutawney Phil, so please enjoy this AFV tribute to groundhogs and their other furry rodent friends.

Happy Groundhog Day, and don’t drive angry!

AFV airs Sundays at 7 p.m. on ABC.