Kevin Smith had one big regret when he thought he might die from a heart attack

Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes. Read more about Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (out October) is the first movie Kevin Smith has directed since 2016’s poorly-received Yoga Hosers — and the first since his heart attack in February 2018. And Yoga Hosers was very much on the filmmaker’s mind after he suffered his potentially fatal cardiac incident.

“When I had the heart attack and I was on the table they were like, ‘You might die,'” says Smith. “I was actually okay with that. I was like, I’ve had a great life. The only regret I had was, Man, I wish I had gotten to make Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, because now the last movie I ever made was Yoga Hosers. F—! But I did get to make Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, and now I feel like, well, if this was it, if I never got to make another movie — or if the heart came back and was like, ‘Aha!’ and f—ing finally killed me — I’d be okay with this being the last movie.”

In the film, Jason Mewes‘ Jay and Smith’s Silent Bob learn Hollywood is rebooting a movie based on the pair’s cartoon characters, Bluntman and Chronic, and attempt to stop that from happening.

“It’s a real scrapbook of everything I’ve ever done over the last 25 years, everything since Clerks,” says Smith. “There’s a mini-Clerks sequel in it, there’s a mini-Mall Rats sequel in it, there’s an eight-minute Chasing Amy sequel in it, and there’s even a little Dogma sequel in it. So, I got to pull all my old toys out of the attic and play with them again, man. It feels like a nice closing statement to my career, if that is it. It’s almost going to be a shame if I wind up living, and keep making more movies, because I’ll fuck it up again. But this movie is really wonderful.”

See an exclusive image from Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, above.

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