Kevin Federline Celebrates 40th Birthday at Las Vegas Strip Club Amid Child Support Dispute

Amid a battle to get more child support money from his ex Britney Spears, Kevin Federline headed to a Las Vegas strip club on Saturday to celebrate his 40th birthday, and money was the name of the game — not surprisingly.

There was the birthday cake which featured stacks of dollar bills made from fondant, all which featured Federline’s face; there was a money gun stocked full with 100 $1 bills, which Federline fired off on stage while a scantily-clad woman danced for patrons. Of course, seeing that his birthday took place at the Crazy Horse III gentlemen’s club, there was also stacks of bills strewn about on multiple stages.

Still, despite all the dollar bill bravado, Federline, who also deejayed at the strip club, remained tightlipped about reports that he’s asking for more money for child support.

“I won’t be commenting on any of that stuff,” he told PEOPLE, steering the conversation to a new song he produced called “Goat.”

The strip club birthday, attended by his wife, Victoria Prince, and a large crew of friends, was his second party, as he celebrated earlier in the week with his sons, Sean Preston, 12, and Jayden James, 11.

“I feel like the older I get, the younger I still am in my soul,” he said before entering the gentlemen’s club. “Another thing, the older I get the more I really appreciate my family more. You enjoy your kids and my wife and the time that I have with them. It’s very precious and short.”

Federline, though, is looking for more money from Spears to make that life a little more precious. He wants to double the alleged $20,000 a month he gets from her, according to reports. Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, who controls her finances, is balking.

Other than the money aspect, Federline thinks he and Spears have their co-parenting down to a science.

“I’ve always believed in everybody gets their fair share and the kids,” he said. “I don’t want to keep them from anybody, and it’s just worked out really well as far as co-parenting.”

Britney Spears; Kevin Federline
Britney Spears; Kevin Federline

While Spears and Federline battle it out, their sons are getting bit by the music bug. In fact, Sean Preston has been honing his deejay skills for a few years.

“I know he wants to produce and do all these things,” Federline said. “I love it because he looks up to his dad, and whatever he wants to do I’ll support him in and that’s what we do for our kids as parents.”

Jaden is going more classical.

“Jaden’s actually playing the piano, and he’s really, really, really good at it,” Federline said. “I’m so impressed and surprised. I’m finding all these talents in my kids.”

The burning question: does he want his kids to purse a career in music?

“Not at a young age,” Federline said, “you gotta get someone well-rounded to deal with the entertainment industry.”