Kelly Clarkson, Framed

It seems like we’ve been watching American Idol half of forever, doesn’t it? Actually, it’s only been 0.000000001% of forever, and that assumes the Universe ends tomorrow.

Of all the winners of American Idol, the best was still the first: Kelly Clarkson. Post-Idol, she’s been at it for over 10 years and has sold over 20 million albums. On this planet alone! The only Idol winner who’s surpassed those numbers is that country girl whose name I forget right now.

No matter! This week’s video is “Heartbeat Song,” a vid that premiered just a few weeks ago. Kelly’s not in it a lot; instead, we see people who have had hard luck in love but are trying again. It packs just the sort of uplifting message people like to hear: never, ever, give up on love.

But what do you say, readers? Wouldn’t it be wiser to simply give up on love and call it an impossible fantasy? Or is it the attainable pinnacle of human experience? Your vote counts, sort of!

1 —  ”Well, I guess I could watch a little TV.  Since I have one and all.”

2 —  Few realize that God keeps a notebook, in case He forgets stuff.

3 —  ”I wonder if the Cold Pizza & Empty Beer store is still open.”

4 —  Anna Log (L) continues to be bummed!

5 —  ”Here I thought Kelly was out standing in her field.”

6 —  Having seen the photo, the phone knew the answer ahead of time!

7 —  ”I wonder if I could buy all the copies of Clive Davis’ memoir?”

8 —  ”This souvenir I bought in central Africa was pricey, but worth it!”

9 —  ”I don’t know about me, but my hair seems very glad to meet you.”

10 —  Scientists were stunned to learn that everybody was still Kung Fu fighting!

11 —  ”The picture quality on these new iPhones is incredible!”

12 —  ”Wow! Kelly’s career does make more sense this way!”

Watch the Video: