Katy Perry pays emotional tribute to Manchester victims at London show

Katy Perry pays emotional tribute to Manchester victims at London show

Katy Perry teared up while paying tribute to the victims of this week’s terror attack in Manchester, England that left 22 dead following an Ariana Grande concert.

“It was hard,” Perry said, addressing the crowd at a small club show in London. “It was hard for you guys I know, it was hard for me. Because we all love music. We’re all listening to the same music, y’know? You think about it: And that’s my friend, that’s my cousin, that’s the person [who] loves music.” As some in the crowd clapped, Perry began to cry. “It’s awful. It’s awful. It’s awful.”

Perry asked members of the crowd to do whatever they could to help the victims, “and if you can’t do anything, that’s fine. But what you should do is not let them win.” The Witness singer then led the crowd in a moment of silence.

Watch the video below.

As reported by the Associated Press, the Islamic State has “claimed responsibility” for the attack, which killed 22 and injured at least 50 more. In the wake of the incident, numerous artists around the world have offered condolences to the victims. Grande herself tweeted, “I am so so sorry. I don’t have the words.” Her tour has since been suspended.

“Due to the tragic events in Manchester, the Dangerous Woman Tour with Ariana Grande has been suspended until we can further assess the situation and pay our proper respects to those lost,” Grande’s team said in a statement to EW. “The London O2 shows this week have been canceled as well as all shows through June 5 in Switzerland. We ask at this time that we all continue to support the city of Manchester and all those families affected by this cowardice and senseless act of violence. Our way of life has once again been threatened but we will overcome this together.”