Kate Moss Undermines Amber Heard’s Testimony, Says Johnny Depp Helped Her After Falling Down Stairs

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Kate Moss took the stand virtually on Wednesday in the $50 million Johnny DeppAmber Heard defamation trial, pushing back against a rumor that her ex-boyfriend had shoved her down the stairs and undermining Heard’s testimony on the incident.

The supermodel only spoke for a few minutes, with Heard’s defense team declining to cross-examine her, The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline reported.

“He never pushed me, kicked me or threw me down any kind of stairs,” Moss said via video link from Gloucester, England. “As I left the room, I slid down the stairs and I hurt my back. And I screamed because I didn’t know what happened to me, and I was in pain. He came running back to help me and carried me to my room and got me medical attention.”

Depp and Moss dated from 1994 to 1998, and hearsay has long held that Depp behaved violently during that time. In 1994 he was arrested after trashing a room at the Mark Hotel after allegedly getting into a fight with Moss.

Depp’s lawyers were only allowed to call Moss as a rebuttal witness after Heard mentioned her first, in an incident that seemed to once again highlight how much better prepared his team was for the legal and public relations fight.

Earlier, Heard had testified that Depp had attempted to strike her sister, Whitney Henriques, who at the time was near a flight of stairs. “I just see my little sister with her back to the staircase and Johnny swings at her,” Heard said. “I don’t hesitate or wait. I just instantly think of Kate Moss and the stairs, and I swung at him.”

She added, “In all of my relationship to date with Johnny, I hadn’t landed a blow. I, for the first time, hit him — actually hit him, square in the face.” Her sister also testified that Depp had been abusive.

Heard seemed unaware that by mentioning Moss, she was providing an opening for the opposition. But as soon as she said the supermodel’s name, Depp smiled, and his attorney Benjamin Chew pumped his fist in excitement.

Depp is suing Heard over a 2018 Washington Post op-ed in which she referred to prior allegations against her ex-husband without mentioning his name or going into any details of the abuse. Close observers of the trial have noted evidence supporting both Depp’s and Heard’s claims that the other behaved abusively, and experts have asked us to consider the indisputable power imbalance between one of the biggest, wealthiest movie stars on the planet and a much younger actress with only a few high-profile supporting roles on her resume.

In 2020, Depp lost a libel suit against The Sun after it labelled him a “wife beater,” with the judge ruling that “the great majority” of Heard’s assault accusations could be “proved to the civil standard.” With that victory in the recent past, Heard may have thought she knew what was coming in this defamation trial. If so, she was wrong.

The trial has been livestreamed on Court TV, and while we won’t know the legal results for some time, Depp can already claim a resounding public relations victory. His team has helped mobilize a rabid online fanbase that has turned mocking Heard into several of the year’s most popular memes. It got so bad that she fired her PR team days before she took the stand for the first time.

Earlier this week, Courtney Love weighed in on the trial, saying that Depp had saved her life following a 1995 overdose. In a since-deleted video, she added, “I’ve been the most hated woman in the world before TikTok and it’s a really… I have a lot of empathy for what that must feel like for Amber. Fuck man, wow, can you imagine being her?” Before that, Depp’s former agent said that his “unprofessional behavior,” and not Amber Heard, had damaged his career.

Kate Moss Undermines Amber Heard’s Testimony, Says Johnny Depp Helped Her After Falling Down Stairs
Wren Graves

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