Kate Hudson Takes Adorable Call from Goldie Hawn While Dishing Out Advice on Divorce

Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn have one of the strongest mother/daughter bonds in Hollywood, and a recent phone call between the two is the latest example of the beautiful relationship.

Hudson recently sat down with celebrity divorce attorney, Laura Wasser, on her podcast, “Divorce Sucks!” to talk about her relationship history, divorce and being a successful woman in Hollywood.

During the show, Hudson was playing a game and naming her popular lines from movies, like “Bride Wars,” when her cell phone buzzed.

“Hi mommy,” Hudson answered, before explaining that she was calling earlier to borrow her car because she had a flat tire. Hudson said she was able to get a ride from “pops,” probably referencing Kurt Russell. Having famous parents is so cool!

Along with the celeb cameo, Hudson gave some meaningful advice on finding happiness in relationships and recognizing self-worth.

The podcast drops Monday, make sure and check it out. Also visit Wasser’s online divorce site, itsovereasy.com

The post Kate Hudson Takes Adorable Call from Goldie Hawn While Dishing Out Advice on Divorce appeared first on The Blast.