Kanye West Leaves Instagram And Twitter Again In Wake Of His MAGA Controversies

Kanye West has apparently deleted his Twitter and Instagram accounts, seeking refuge from the social media onslaught. The move comes in the wake of his Saturday Night Live pro-Trump rant and on a day when political tensions are running high because of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation.

The accounts vanished today, but it’s not the first time West has deleted them. He was off Twitter for about a year, returning this April, and only recently went back to Instagram.

West recently tweeted a suggestion that “we abolish the 13th amendment” of the US Constitution, which ended slavery, calling the amendment “slavery in disguise, meaning it never ended.”  He later called for amending, rather than abolishing, the Constitutional amendment. West called it a  message of “love” while wearing a MAGA hat.

“This represents good and America becoming whole again,” he said. “We will no longer outsource to other countries. We build factories here in America and create jobs. We will provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment. Message sent with love.”

West performed three times on the season premiere of NBC’s Saturday Night Live, but his clothes appeared to upstage his songs — at least until the end. The rapper, who has been outspoken about his support fort President Donald Trump, first appeared as a Perrier bottle but later hit the stage with MAGA hat.

During his show-ending performance of “Ghost Town,” West delivered a sort of stump speech that reiterated his backing of POTUS 45 and that he plans to run for president in 2020. “It’s so many times that I talk to a white person about this, and they say, ‘How could you support Trump? He’s racist.’ Well, if I was concerned about racism, I would have moved out of America a long time ago. We don’t just make our decisions off of racism. I’ma break it down to you right now: If someone inspires me and I connect with them, I don’t have to believe in all they policies.”

After a while he turned to the band and backup folks and said: “Thank y’all for giving me this platform. I know some of y’all don’t agree. … Ninety percent of news are liberal — TV, L.A., New York, writiers, rappers, musicians, so it’s easy to seem like it’s so, so, so one-sided.”

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