Kamala Harris Trolled For Flaunting Record-Breaking ‘Job Growth’ Chart Under Biden Administration

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Vice President Kamala Harris faced criticism on Instagram for touting job creation under President Joe Biden. Users raised concerns about quality of life issues and foreign policy actions.

This comes after Harris blamed ex-president Donald Trump for the reversal of Roe v. Wade, accusing him of promoting restrictive abortion laws.

She also expressed fear of Trump's potential re-election on "The View," emphasizing the need for an aggressive campaign.

Kamala Harris Slammed For Job Creation Post

Kamala Harris Admits She Is 'Scared' For Possible Donald Trump Reelection

Kamala Harris, the vice president of the United States, stirred controversy after sharing an animated bar chart on Instagram showcasing job creation under different presidents' first 36 months in office.

On the chart, Joe Biden's administration boasted the highest number of jobs, eliciting praise from Harris, who highlighted the nation's economic progress in the caption, writing: "Our nation is beating economic forecasts and breaking records for job growth."

However, in the comments, not everyone was pleased with the statistics. One user wrote, "Everyone has at least two jobs these days. Can we work on raising the quality of life? Like better pay, affordable access to healthcare, more vacation days, and way longer paid maternal leave. People are not mentally okay."


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Another person noted: "Right because no one was working during the big 'C' and now people have to get 2-3 part-time jobs just to make ends meet. Stop trying to take credit for half-truths and blatant lies."

Others raised concerns about foreign policy actions, with the former vice mayor of Tamarac, FL, asking Harris to "Show a graph with the total number of Palestinians killed by Biden." He added: "You and #genocidejoe have killed the most."

"How many deaths did you create?" a fourth user chimed in.

The Vice President Blames Donald Trump For Overturn Of Roe v. Wade

President Emmanuel Macron of France holds a bilateral meeting with US Vice President Kamala Harris

During an interview with CNN's Laura Coates in Wisconsin last month, Harris didn't mince words when she attributed the reversal of Roe v. Wade to former President Donald Trump. She emphasized that Trump is "proud that women are silently suffering" in the restrictive abortion laws emerging after his tenure.

"The previous president expressed his intentions quite clearly. And fast forward to just recently, says he's proud of what he did," Harris asserted.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, the VP continued: "By inference, he is proud that women have been deprived of fundamental freedoms to make decisions about their own body; by inference, proud that doctors are being penalized and criminalized for providing health care, proud that women are silently suffering because they don't have access to the health care they need."

"So, let's understand that the stakes are so very high," she added.

Kamala Harris Says She's 'Scared As Heck' About Donald Trump Winning The Election

Joe Biden's Latest 'Senile' Moment, Calls VP Kamala Harris The 'President'

In an appearance on ABC's "The View," Harris, responding to a question from host Joy Behar, admitted she was "scared as heck" about the possibility of Trump winning another term as president.

She emphasized the urgency of an aggressive campaign to prevent Trump's re-election, stating: "I am scared as heck! Which is why I'm traveling our country. You know, there's an old saying that there are only two ways to run for office — either without an opponent or scared. So on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared."

Drawing on the responsibility to secure a better future for children, the 59-year-old added, "When we are scared for the future of our children, do we then stay in bed with the covers over? No, we can't. We've got to earn re-election. There is no question. We've got to be on the road."

Kamala Harris Describes The Coming Election As A Choice Between 'Competence Versus Chaos'

US Vice President Harris Press Conference - Paris

In another part of the interview, Harris emphasized the importance of upholding women's autonomy over their bodies, stating, "In this year of our Lord 2024, the government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies, and so it's that basic."

When questioned by Alyssa Griffin, co-host of "The View" and a former Trump aide turned critic, about Biden's polling struggles compared to Trump, Harris attributed it to voters' evolving focus on "what this election will mean."

She framed the choice as one between "competence versus chaos" and underscored the significance of safeguarding American democracy and the future of children.

"This is going to be the split screen," Harris said. "And I do believe that the American people are going to vote in favor of what is in the best interest of the future of our country and, in particular, our children."