Julie Chen Moonves reacts to Kyle Capener's diversity alliance comments on Big Brother

Each week, host Julie Chen Moonves will answer a few questions about the latest events inside the Big Brother house. Here, she weighs in Kyle's fears of a diversity alliance, Michael's jury machinations, the upcoming two-house twist, and the return of a live studio audience. (Also read our exit interview with Indy Santos.)

Big Brother
Big Brother

CBS Julie Chen Moonves on 'Big Brother'

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What was it like to have a live studio audience back for the first time in 3 years?

JULIE CHEN MOONVES: It felt awesome. It felt like a party. We had a DJ (not DJ Showtime) but a fabulous DJ nonetheless, who I've worked with in the biz and known for years. It was great to see and hear from fans of the show. Everyone was more than happy to give us their opinions and I loved every minute!

Kyle talked about being worried over players aligning due to their "diverse backgrounds" even though there has been no evidence of that. Is that just typical game paranoia, or something else?

I think it's just typical game paranoia. You also have to remember, Taylor told her whole alliance she would not nominate Jasmine because she refuses to part of evicting another Black woman. That might have steered Kyle's mind into thinking what if there is a secret alliance like the Cookout this season. Beyond that, I don't think there's much more to it.

Big Brother
Big Brother

CBS Kyle Capener on 'Big Brother'

Michael asked his alliance to give Indy a sympathy vote and then did. Will that help him with the jury, or hurt him because others will recognize the obvious jury management?

Well, he certainly covered his bases. He told his alliance he was thinking of doing that and then he did it. Indy couldn't be more warm with her feelings toward Michael after her eviction and seeing all her goodbye messages. Even if others later try and use it against him, I think he can argue his way out of it. He is a skilled lawyer, he loves and knows this game, and he's good at it from many angles.

Okay, Julie. Would you rather be Head of Household but have to live outdoors for the week, or be indoors but not have the safety of HOH?

It's funny. I thought the same thing. If I were in the Leftovers alliance, I'd roll the dice and live inside as a regular Houseguest. Who wants to live outside with no bed, no hot shower, bad food and get blood on their hands?  No thanks!  It would be inside at Big BroCella for me!  You can have your Dire/Dyre Fest HOH week!

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