Julie Chen on if Cody and Enzo should have forced a split vote on Big Brother: All-Stars

Exclusive look at the new 'Big Brother: All-Stars' stage

'Big Brother' host Julie Chen previews the new front-of-house stage, and more.

Each week, host Julie Chen Moonves will answer a few questions about the latest events inside the Big Brother: All-Stars house. Here, she weighs in on the latest eviction, whether Cody and Enzo should have forced a split vote on Nicole, who Cody’s biggest competition is, and the latest events in the jury house.

ENTERTAINMET WEEKLY: Another one bites the dust, Julie. Now that Memphis has been voted out, how would you sum up his season inside the house?

JULIE CHEN MOONVES: His season inside the house this time was memorable. He played with no emotion, no waffling, and in full control of his game. Memphis did what Memphis wanted to do and never took anyone else’s game into consideration... unless it could help him. He seemed to understand this is ultimately as a game of one against all.

Everyone has seemed deathly scared of upsetting the Head of Household all season long. Do you think Cody and Enzo should have made a split vote and forced Nicole to get some blood on her hands by casting the deciding vote?

Yes and no. Yes, because then they lessen their role in stabbing fellow “Wise Guy“ member Memphis the back. No, because it could be looked at as a disloyal move by Cody against Nicole, with whom he has a final 2 deal.

What do you make of that jury house conversation between Da’Vonne and Tyler where he confirmed that his offering to sacrifice himself for her and Bayleigh was genuine and then they hugged it out?

I loved it. I loved seeing Tyler speak from the heart and get choked up. It was a genuine moment. In turn, I loved seeing Da’Vonne open her arms and comfort Tyler when he choked back tears. It showed her character as a God-loving person who forgives and has mercy.

After hearing the jury talk, Cody definitely has to be considered the frontrunner to win Big Brother: All-Stars at this point. Who do you think is his biggest competition?

I think Cody’s biggest competitor is Christmas. She is good at competitions and she would be way more likely to take anyone but Cody to the final 2.

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