Julia Roberts Breaks Down Intense 'Secret in Their Eyes' Scene

Secret in Their Eyes star Julia Roberts sat down with Yahoo SuperFan to break down one of the film’s most intense scenes.

When Roberts’s character, Jess, discovers that a dead body her team is investigating is actually that of her daughter, she unleashes an explosion of emotion. It’s a performance that will sit with you long after the movie is over.

Roberts said it was a long day of filming in an underground parking garage. And she described letting co-star Chiwetel Ejiofor set the pace of the scene, describing them as marathon runners, till his character broke the horrible news to Jess. Roberts said, “From there, I tried to construct something true and unthinkably emotional.”

Secret in Their Eyes opens nationwide this Friday, Nov. 20.

And if you love Julia Roberts, you’ll love this video of her answering questions that came straight from Yahoo Answers.

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