Judge Judy endorses Mike Bloomberg, will join him on campaign trail

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Judge Judy has announced her endorsement for the 2020 presidential election: former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. Judith Sheindlin, the TV-famous jurist, broke the news by appearing in Bloomberg’s new campaign ad — the billionaire candidate’s latest attempt to win over working class voters.

So far, Bloomberg has been the obvious choice for blindly rich New Yorkers and self-invested billionaires who don’t connect to the Elizabeth Warrens and Bernie Sanderses of the race. Those people aren’t, of course, part of the middle class — a demographic that Bloomberg needs if he wants to win the democratic primary. Judge Judy’s endorsement could be part of his appeal for that demo’s votes. After all, more Americans trust her than any of the Supreme Court Justices, according to a 2013 poll.

The campaign ad is a 30-second spot ironically titled “Judge Him” — something that many Americans have already done to Bloomberg without prompt. In it, Sheindlin sits in a makeshift judicial chamber similar to the one she films in as Judge Judy. The ad lacks flair and flashy visuals, instead opting for a no-nonsense approach rooted in familiarity and trust. “I like to say you can judge someone’s character by what they’ve done,” says Sheindlin. She’s right, but for very different reasons than intended. Check it out below.

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Once the ad begins airing, Sheindlin will go on the campaign trail with Bloomberg. She plans to voice her support for him during scheduled news appearances on The View, CNN, and other programs, according to The Hill.

Unsurprisingly, Bloomberg is trailing fellow presidential candidate nominees in the race for high-profile endorsements. Bernie Sanders has been championed by artists like Cardi B, Ariana Grande, and Jack White. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren has gotten nods from Jonathan Van Ness, John Legend, and Scarlett Johansson. Andrew Yang has seen Weezer and Donald Glover rally behind him. Bloomberg has a lot of catching up to do.

Judge Judy endorses Mike Bloomberg, will join him on campaign trail
Nina Corcoran

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