Jordana Brewster Says 3-Year-Old Son Is 'Gunning for Attention' Around His New Baby Brother

Rochelle Brodin/Getty

Jordana Brewster holds her own with the guys in the Fast & Furious franchise and now in the CBS show, Lethal Weapon.

But the same goes for the guys at home, where her sons Julian, 3, and Rowan, 3 months, have a minor ongoing sibling rivalry.

“I thought [Julian] was great initially because he loves the baby,” Brewster told PEOPLE at the Alliance of Moms Presents Raising Baby event in Los Angeles, California, on Saturday.

“But then if it’s time for Mommy to feed the baby at 9 p.m., Julian wants to be there. Julian wants to be picked up. He’s definitely gunning for attention right when the baby needs attention. It’s tough.”

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Aside from dealing with the new dynamic, having a baby in the household has caused a bit of a shakeup for Brewster, 36, and her husband Andrew Form.

“I just realized things that you take for granted,” she says. “I used to be so type A [with the scheduling] when I was going to school and working. I literally have a calendar on my kitchen with different colored highlighters and markers for everyone’s schedule because things can get lost so quickly.”

For the formerly type-A Brewster, she didn’t recognize this new, sometimes more forgetful, version of herself.

“For the first time in my life, I get a call from work being like, ‘You’re working tomorrow,’ ” she says. “I’m like, ‘What do you mean? No I’m not.’ I’ve never been that kind of person. So it’s really easy for things to get out of hand because there’s so much to juggle. But it’s awesome.”

One person she has to negotiate with now is Julian. Her potty-trained, “big boy” has already put in a very specific request for his Halloween costume.

“He wants to be Bane from Batman, which is super scary,” she says. “So we’re discussing.”

— Abby Stern