Jordan Peele shares first trailer for Us, his follow-up to Get Out: Watch

Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss, and Tim Heidecker star in the beachside horror flick.

Jordan Peele has been very tight-lipped about his new horror film, Us, which is a good thing. When it comes to horror, what most Hollywood suits can’t seem to get through their heads is that “the less we know, the better.” If you recall, Peele operated in the same way prior to 2017’s Get Out, and look how well that played out for him: four Oscar nominations with one win for Best Original Screenplay.

So, we’re admittedly reluctant to watch the new trailer for his follow-up below, but we’re also confident that Peele has our best interests in mind. Even now, two months ahead of its March 15th release, he remains mum: “For my second feature, I wanted to create a monster mythology,” he told EW. “I wanted to do something that was more firmly in the horror genre but still held on to my love of movies that are twisted but fun.”

Based on what we know, and judging from the trailer, the film follows Adelaide (Lupita Nyong’o) and Gabe Wilson (Winston Duke), who take their kids back to Adelaide’s childhood beachside home in Northern California for the summer. Everything seems fine, they even spend a day with the Tyler family (Elisabeth Moss and Tim Heidecker) by the beach, that is until they’re visited at night by four figures in the driveway.

There’s more, though, as Nyong’o also told EW that “it turns into this relentless nightmare that taps into [Adelaide’s] deepest fears and ours as well — the idea that we might be our own worst enemies.” So, perhaps, we’re dealing with something a little more psychological than traditional monster movie hoopla. Given how deep Get Out is that would hardly be surprising and will likely lead to the most terrifying sequences.

We’ll find out, though, on March 15th. In the meantime, catch up on the movies that influenced Peele. The Oscar winner gave EW a whole list of homework for his fans, which is more of a holiday gift for horror hounds: Dead Again, The Shining, The Babadook, It Follows, A Tale of Two Sisters, The Birds, Funny Games, Martyrs, Let the Right One In, and The Sixth Sense. Lots of ghosts in that list. Hmm.