Jonah Hill in Talks to Join Robert Pattinson's The Batman as Potential Villain: Report

Jonah Hill in Talks to Join Robert Pattinson's The Batman as Potential Villain: Report

Jonah Hill might be facing off against Robert Pattinson‘s Batman on the big screen.

Variety reports the actor is in talks to join Pattinson’s first turn as the superhero in The Batman. The outlet claims Hill, 35, is being eyed for a secret role, and sources tell them it’s possibly for the villain.

Along with Hill, Variety reports Westworld‘s Jeffrey Wright is in talks to join the movie as Commissioner Gordon, last played by Gary Oldman in the Christopher Nolan trilogy.

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After news broke that Pattinson would be taking over the role previously played by George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck, among others, the internet was divided. The actor told Variety in an earlier interview — his first since being confirmed as the new caped crusader — that he wasn’t fazed by the doubters.

“To be honest, it was less vitriolic than I was expecting,” he said, adding, “It’s much more fun when you’re an underdog. There’s no expectation of you.”

Jonah Hill | Adam Berry/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock
Jonah Hill | Adam Berry/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock

Pattinson also said the experience of putting on the Batsuit for the first time was “transformative.”

“You do feel very powerful immediately,” he shared. “And it’s pretty astonishing, something that is incredibly difficult to get into, so the ritual of getting into it is pretty humiliating. You’ve got five people trying to shove you into something. Once you’ve got it on, it’s like, ‘Yeah, I feel strong, I feel tough, even though I had to have someone squeezing my butt cheeks into the legs.’”

“You’re trying to think of the way to balance, how to bring something new to it and not want to scare people off,” the actor said of bringing a fresh face to the famous franchise. “And work in the confines of the costume.”

Director Matt Reeves, who was behind the last two films in the Planet of the Apes franchise, is set to direct Pattison in a trilogy of Batman films for Warner Bros. The first in the trilogy, The Batman, is expected to be released in 2021.