Jon Stewart on Rachel Dolezal: 'Whaaaat?'

With Rachel Dolezal, the embattled former leader of the NAACP’s Spokane, Washington chapter, in the news for being accused of pretending to be black, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart couldn’t help but to add to the conversation. “Czech, Swedish, and German is really f–king white. Even Powder is like, 'That’s one white lady.’ That’s a white lady. She’s white,” Stewart joked about her heritage.

The late night host also took aim at a more familiar target, Fox News. The station has had several people on who suggested Dolezal’s story was because of liberalism run amok in the U.S. Stewart thinks that’s silly because of how unique this story is saying, “One lady… in Washington state’s second largest city pretending to be black. Clearly liberal culture has reached its nadir, Rome has fallen. Yet racism has fallen. It is the best of times yet it is the worst of times all because a German lady got a weave.”

Comedian Jessica Williams then joined Stewart and explained why she doesn’t support Dolezal’s actions saying, “Rachel Dolezal actually single white female’d all black women. We don’t need oppression cosplay. We need allies, not replacements.”

The Daily Show airs weeknights at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central.