John Wick Honest Trailer hails the Keanu-ssance

Unlike some ill-fated Russian gangsters, the folks behind Honest Trailers seem to have gotten the message that it’s not wise to take shots at John Wick.

The 2014 sleeper hit starring Keanu Reeves as a vengeful assassin is the latest subject of Screen Junkies’ sardonic web series, and this time they don’t have many complaints. Hailing John Wick as “an action flick that doesn’t rely on quick cuts or shaky cam,” the normally nitpicky narrator adds, “I didn’t even know you were allowed to do that!”

While the honest trailer does poke fun at Reeves’ penchant for playing guys named John (he’s up to eight so far) and his iffy track record when it comes to action sequels (looking at you, Matrix 2 and 3), the video mostly pays tribute to an “immortal 50-year-old [who] still kicks just as much ass as he did in his 20s.” In other words, welcome to the “Keanu-ssance.”

Watch the John Wick video above, and find more Honest Trailers on PEN. John Wick: Chapter 2 opens Friday.