John Oliver Opens Show by Addressing Orlando Shooting

In a rare cold open, John Oliver started off Last Week Tonight by addressing the tragic shooting in Orlando. Oliver admitted that it’s hard to know what to do in the wake of an event like this, but he assured everyone that he was still going to do his comedy show, which would start with some “jarringly inappropriate jangly music.”

The former Daily Show correspondent made some comparisons to the Paris attacks that happened last November, saying that those terrorists seemed to target places that symbolize everything that’s wonderful about France. Oliver then pointed out that he would “happily embrace a ‘Latin night’ at a gay club in the theme park capital of the world as the ultimate symbol of what is truly wonderful about America.”

While it’s easy to dwell on one man’s act of brutality and hatred, Oliver said he would rather focus on the silver lining that often emerges after terrible events. He showed a video of hundreds of people lined up to donate blood in Florida and said that reminded him that the terrible people behind these types of attacks are vastly outnumbered by decent people who come together and help each other in times like these.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver airs on Sundays at 11 p.m. on HBO.

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Victims of the Orlando shooting tragedy were honored during the Tony Awards.