John Oliver has no time for Trump’s promise about DACA

On Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, the host was more than skeptical of Trump’s consistent promises of happiness concerning government policy. It was something that Trump promised reporter Chuck Todd when Todd asked him about the details on rolling back the immigration program DACA. “Chuck, it will work out so well,” Trump said. “You'll be so happy. In four years, you're going to be interviewing me and say, ‘What a great job you've done, President Trump.’" DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), protects about 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation. Rolling back the program means those lives are in jeopardy so Oliver felt like a promise of happiness wasn’t quite enough saying, “Laying out a government policy that's just ‘You'll be so happy’ is like naming a restaurant ‘You're gonna be so full.’ Okay, that's the goal, but how? What am I filling myself with? Is it Asian fusion or wet cement?” And sometimes Trump doesn’t just promise your future happiness, he also guarantees your happy past. Like that time after he struck a deal with the Democrats and Trump thought Mitch McConnell was super happy about it. Trump said, “And I'll tell you what, we walked out of there -- Mitch and Paul, and everybody, Kevin -- and we walked out and everybody was happy.” Oliver thought otherwise, saying, “No, they absolutely weren't! Not Mitch, not Paul, not Kevin! None of them!” In the end, Oliver had no time for Trump’s promise of happiness or his stance on DACA saying, “it's actually weirdly ironic that he's taking such a hard line against dreamers because this guy is clearly out of his f*cking mind.”