John Oliver Enlists Helen Mirren for Report on Torture

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver took on the topic of torture and whether or not the use of enhanced interrogation tactics by United States are actually useful. Oliver had Dame Helen Mirren read from the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Report on Torture to make the point that the former director of the CIA had never read it. "Yes, that's the actual Helen Mirren reading the report that you should have read, for you Porter Goss. So put it on in your car and f—ing listen to it," Oliver chastised the former CIA head.

Oliver then criticized the FBI and their belief that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was telling the truth when he claimed that he sent a recruiter to Montana to enlist the support of African American Muslim converts; "Yeah, of course he was lying. What part of the phrase, 'Recruiting African-American Muslims in Montana' did not make you call bulls–t instantly. Even this week we've learned that the most famous black person from Montana may actually be white."