John Oliver Blasts Media For Insulting Coverage of London Attacks

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver had some choice words for the media's coverage of Saturday night's tragic attacks in London, where seven people were killed and many more injured. The media repeatedly said that the U.K. was "under siege" or that it was "reeling" from the attacks but Oliver said, "To say it's under siege and its people are reeling is to imply that it's weak enough to be brought to its knees by three monumental a**holes." Oliver wasn't the only Brit irritated by the coverage. Many people took to Twitter using #ThingsThatLeaveBritainReeling and as you might have guessed, terrorism wasn't on the list but "accidental eye contact on the tube" and "when people make tea in the microwave" definitely were. Oliver went on to explain that the British people are never going to let terror change their way of life showing the example of footage of people being evacuated which included a man carrying his pint of beer with him. "That is a one-man walking 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster," Oliver said. But Oliver was most impressed by one Londoner who witnessed the attacks firsthand and still went back to pay his restaurant bill and tip the staff. He said to a reporter, "We're not going to let these people win. And I keep saying if me having a gin and tonic with my friends, flirting with handsome men, hanging out with brilliant women, is what offends these people so much, I'm going to do it more, not less, because that's what makes London so great." In the end, Oliver raised a gin and tonic to this gentleman who won't be letting terror change his British way of life.